I wish to object to the draft Mayor’s Transport Strategy proposals, particularly their tone. There is a consistent tone of hostility and prejudice towards those who need to use their cars. For instance, take the claim that any amount of walking to a bus stop or station, however short, can be an important part of staying healthy. By the same logic, so should a motorist walking to a car which might be a greater distance. However you come out with the unsubstantiated nonsense that health problems are due to an overdependence on cars. Car use is part of an active lifestyle, and rather than causing obesity, it actually burns some calories. These are sweeping proposals that could be very expensive, and which Londoners would have to pay for. Not even outline cost figures are given. They don't meet the legal requirement that people being consulted should be given enough information to make an informed decision. No evidence was given for the claim that motorists pay too little and are subsidised by others. It is a try on to justify taxing or charging us more for the raw deal we get on our roads. Official statistics show that motorists pay a surplus of tens of billions in taxes each year and that together London boroughs and the GLA group get billions in grants from the government. Money which is wasted on anti-motorist measures rather than spent on what would make life easier for motorists. I am disappointed at a lack of alternative proposals that don't penalise motorists. I would suggest you scrap the biased consultation and ask those who drive in London what they actually want.