From:   Cllr Harcourt Wesley <>

Sent:    01 September 2015 19:01

To:       ''

Subject:            RE: Road safety measures and consultation issues




Thanks for this but to be clear I am not holding back on implementing the 20mph I am just making sure

that we go through the correct channels and that there is scope for residents to comment as matter





Councillor Wesley Harcourt

Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport & Residents Services

LB Hammersmith & Fulham

King Street


W6 9JU


-----Original Message-----

From: Brian Mooney - ABD []

Sent: 31 August 2015 23:00

To: Cllr Harcourt Wesley

Subject: Road safety measures and consultation issues




Thank you for the opportunity to put forward suggestions for improving road safety within LBHF.


I feel you are very wise to hold back on implementing borough-wide 20mph speed limits.


Although you advise that 45% of the consultation respondents might support this, my feeling is that this

support is likely to be shallow.


(I ran the NO2ID campaign in LBHF, and noted high support for ID cards in opinion polls just after 9/11.

This support dropped to well under 50% as the public learned more about the scheme, the costs and

practical difficulties.

You might say that the initial support represented a knee-jerk feeling of wanting to be secure - as

opposed to wanting ID cards per se.


Similarly, the 'support' for the 20mph proposal is more a response to the limited and very one-sided

account put across in LBHF's consultation booklet, which might more accurately be described as a selling


When I was out with the TV crew, we found a lot of spontaneous opposition to the proposal. The one

person that the TV crew eventually managed to find who had supported the proposal, a cyclist from

Brackenbury Village, said that on reflection, he would have voted differently!)


LBHF pre-announced the consultation in September 2014, and may therefore have been unaware of a

subsequent ruling in the Supreme Court, [2014] UKSC 56, that a local authority consultation was

unlawful because it denied the public essential information on which they could make an informed



The law has requirements for procedural fairness, and there is other evidence that it might have

inadvertently been broken.


That borough-wide 20mph was part of the 2014 Labour manifesto could mean that LBHF has fallen foul

of the expectation in the 1996 Education Act when it sent a letter in your name to teachers and

schoolchildren. There is evidence that by referring readers to such an overwhelmingly biased

consultation webpage, the expectation of balance was not met.


There is evidence of other irregularities, but as I am trying to keep this note concise, I will not go into

detail. Suffice it to say, that if the proposal for implementing borough-wide 20mph is adopted, I feel

there is the racing certainty that it will be challenged, with all the attendant publicity.


In summary, I feel that it is best to regard the consultation just completed as advisory - and a learning

experience. The time and effort will not be wasted if it identifies specific local road safety issues that

could objectively be addressed by tailored measures.


I feel that nobody would fault you if you re-tuned the focus of the consultation onto measures that

would actually enjoy real support from both the public and the police.


With best wishes,


Brian Mooney (ABD),

31 August 2015


(The above is essentially my own perspective, so is sent in a personal capacity. I have not discussed it

with ABD management so it should not be taken as constituting any 'official' perspective within the



Happy to expand further, although I am away this week)





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